
You Came To The Right Place

If those hot days are making it uncomfortable in your car, we are qualified air conditioning technicians who love to help you out. We practice environmentally friendly handling of your car’s air conditioning system. No job is too big or too small – our team of professionals know how to handle a wide range of cars – whether you drive a passenger car or medium sized truck or SUV, our mechanics strive to ensure that your vehicle will be performing at its best before leaving our car shop.

Check Out Our Premium Services

AC Diagnostics Service

We always use the most advanced diagnostic equipment with up-to-date software to make sure that even the most sophisticated vehicles can be serviced in our workshops.

MasterCool Refrigerant Identifier for R134a

This equipment helps confirm the presence and quality of R134a refrigerant in your vehicle air conditioning system. And as a result it helps;

  • To keep your AC equipment safe.
  • To prevent contamination.
  • To detect air contamination.

It also delivers quick and precise refrigerant analysis and automatically provides step-by-step indication of the sampling process.


The Matco Tools AC438 is suitable for vehicles with a conventional engine as well as for hybrid and electric vehicles. AC438 features all the functions required for R134a refrigerant-based air conditioning systems.

The unit automatically controls every phase of maintenance and service, including refrigerant recovery, recycling and refilling as well as flushing.

The powerful vacuum pump assures quick and effective system cleaning.

Full AC Servicing & Repairs

We service car air-conditioning systems as well as home and office air-condition units.

  • Check your AC gas quality. 
  • Refill or Top-up your AC gas.
  • Clean/Replace your AC Filter.
  • AC repairs for all types of vehicles.

Contact us to help you. 

AC Leakage Detection

We are leakage detection experts, with the right modern tools and experience we can help you identify where the leakage is and not only that but also help solve that problem for you. 

Our latest Leak Detector device helps to detect leakages in your vehicle air conditioning system. It is fast, responsive and suitable for different types of refrigerants.

Drive in for a quick AC leakage check, we would love to help you.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Satisfied Corporate Clients
1 +
Satisfied Individual Clients
1 +
Vehicle AC's Fully Serviced
1 +

AC Installation

Contact us to install your new air condition units at home/office. We specialize in installing air conditioning system in any vehicle type whether old or new.

Sales of Genuine Parts

We sell genuine Air condition service parts and components for all types of vehicles;

  • AC Compressor
  • AC Filters
  • AC Cooling Unit
  • AC Condenser, etc…

Buy from us and save money.

Oil Change & General Servicing

Pass through for a quick oil change for your vehicle. We take vehicle performance seriously. That’s why we only use the best brands of lubricants and parts in servicing your vehicle. Visit us for any of our quick services below;

  • Engine Oil Change
  • Spark Plugs Replacement
  • Vehicle Suspension
  • Brake Pads Replacement

Book Now and Enjoy Cool Comfort

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